Your Future Is At Risk

What To Expect In A Federal Investigation

Facing federal charges that lead to a federal investigation can be the scariest time of your life. The future is unknown, and harsh punishments that will affect the rest of your life may feel ominously close. If you have criminal charges serious enough to trigger federal law enforcement agents to begin investigating you, you are in a very serious situation.

At J. Pete Theodocion, Attorney at Law, I founded my firm to help people like you. With over 20 years of defense experience, I understand how you may be feeling and know how to fight back. When a crime report is first filed, or if another party in the crime names you in return for leniency, your investigation process will begin. I am here to help you every step of the way – you will not face this path alone.

What Will Happen During The Investigation?

Much of a federal investigation is behind the scenes. The CIA, SEC, FDA, FBI or other government agencies will start to gather evidence and interview any witnesses. They will look for a paper trial for cases such as tax evasion.

They will be teamed up with a federal prosecutor who is dedicated to determining if the evidence points to a federal crime. The prosecutor advises the agencies and makes the final call of pressing formal federal charges against you.

These agencies have the ability to investigate you by:.

  • Listening to your phone calls
  • Watching you over a week or months
  • Watching your online activity
  • Using your friends or family to ‘wear a wire’ and record you
  • Reviewing financial documents
  • Demanding testimonies and documents from you or others
  • Searching your home, devices, car and more
  • Interviewing witnesses and those close to you
  • Offering deals to anyone who provides information about you

These investigations can occur in secret and may take years to conduct. You may not even know it is happening until you are arrested. At J. Pete Theodocion, Attorney at Law, I advise my clients to not speak with anyone about any criminal charges. Get legal representation immediately – I can help put you in the best possible position for your case.

Together, we will create a strategy for your case. As your lawyer, I will work tirelessly to protect your rights and your future. Call my Augusta, Georgia, office at 706-250-8762 right away or reach out via online form. I offer free consultations to discuss any criminal charge situation.