Federal Charges Pending? Get Legal Defense Immediately.
By the time you are actually charged with a federal crime, the United States Attorney has usually been investigating you for several months or even years and has his or her case practically ready for trial.
The time to get an experienced defense lawyer is when you first become aware of an investigation. Federal prosecutors already have every resource at their disposal. Don’t give them an added advantage of time.
Fierce Federal Crimes Defense Representation
I am Pete Theodocion of J. Pete Theodocion, Attorney at Law. I have more than 20 years of defense experience practicing exclusively in the area of criminal law in federal and state courts. Since I opened my law firm in 1997, I have been representing people under investigation or charged with federal crimes, including:
- Public corruption
- Mail and wire fraud
- Real estate and bank fraud
- Tax evasion
- Weapons charges
- Drug trafficking charges
- Internet crimes
I Can Help You Understand The Federal Justice System
There are great differences between the federal court system and state court systems. From the rules of evidence to rules of criminal procedure, to the federal sentencing guidelines, your attorney has to navigate through particularly dangerous waters. I am one of only a handful of attorneys that focus on federal criminal defense, and I have the expertise and training necessary to help insure that you get a fair fight with the government.
Time Is Always A Key Factor: Indictments And Appeals
Give yourself every chance to get the best possible outcome for your federal charges. Talk to an experienced attorney immediately. When you call my office, I will discuss my case results and give you a clear, honest assessment of your situation. Regardless of your situation, something can be done to help you, and I’m committed to doing just that.
Federal And State Criminal Appeals Work
Contact my office online today and schedule your free initial consultation. You may also call my firm at 706-250-8762 to discuss your case in confidence.