Most consumers do not check their credit card or bank account transactions regularly. Even with the capability of accessing this information remotely from their own home computers or cellphones, many in Georgia will simply pay their credit card bills without a thought...
Firm News
Pharmacists are new targets for federal drug charges
No longer focusing solely on the individual with a substance abuse problem, drug enforcement authorities are now turning their attention to those who supply the opioids. Doctors, pain management clinics and even the pharmaceutical companies themselves have recently...
Can you be charged with a hate crime in Georgia?
Most states have hate crime laws that penalize those who commit acts against others based on their gender, race, sexual preferences or other protected characteristics. Georgia has no such hate crime laws. That's why a man who has been convicted of throwing scalding...
Drugs crises: Triggers for increased federal, state prosecutions
Few can be unaware of the drug crises in the United States. Just this week, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation issued an alert about the fact that methamphetamine-related deaths rose 40 percent from 2016 to 2017. This news comes even as headlines across the country...